Common Arabic Words / Phrases
Bismillah = In the name of Allah (SWT)
Subhanallah = Glory to Allah (SWT) / Allah (SWT) is perfect (aka Tasbih)
Alhamdulillah = Praise / thanks be to Allah (SWT) (aka Tahmid)
La ilaha il-lallah = There is no god but Allah (SWT) (aka Tahlil)
Allahu Akbar = Allah (SWT) is most great (aka Takbir)
Mashallah = Allah (SWT) has willed it
Inshallah = If Allah (SWT) wills it
Astaghfirullah = I seek forgiveness from Allah (SWT)
Na’udzubillah = We seek refuge in Allah (SWT)
Fee-amanillah = In the care / protection of Allah (SWT)
Barakallahu feek = May Allah (SWT) bless you / him / her
Wallahi = By Allah (SWT)
Salah = Prayer / communication with Allah (SWT)
Dua = Invocation / act of supplication
Surah = Chapter in the Quran
Ayah = A verse in the Quran
Juz = A part or section of the Quran (note there are 30 juz)
Dhikr = Remembering / mentioning Allah (SWT)
Barakah = Blessings of Allah (SWT)
Tawheed = Oneness (of god)
Tafsir = Interpretation / explanation (of Quran)
Tawbah = Repentance for sins and misdeed
Taqwa = Piety / devotion, god fearing / conscious
Istighfar = Seeking forgiveness
Jazakallahu khairan = May Allah (SWT) reward you with goodness
Swadhak allahul-adzeem = Allah (SWT) the most great speaks the truth
Allahu al’am = Allah (SWT) knows best
Halal = Permissible
Haram = Forbidden
Ummah = Nation / community of the entire Islamic religion
Jama’ah = Group prayer
Dunya = This fleeting world
Akhira = The hereafter / afterlife
Jannah = Heaven
Jahannam = Hellfire
Noor = Light
Riba = Interest (very very bad)
Bid’ah = Innovation (also very bad)
Malaiks = Angels (Ferestha in Bangla =P)
Shaitwan / Shaiatween = devil / evil spirits / jhinns
Al-Qiyamah = Day of Judgement / Reckoning
Sahabah = Companions of Muhammad (SAW)
As-salamu a’laikum = May peace be upon you
Note: You should give salam to any Muslims you see. It is good to also raise your right hand to your head while giving salam and shake hands after giving salam. One can add “wa rahmatullahi wa barakathu” meaning “and the mercy and blessing of Allah (SWT)” after the basic salam. The longer you make the salam the better.
Heart 2 Heart (H2H): You have nothing to lose by giving salam and so much to gain. You should never miss an opportunity to give salam.
Wa a’laikumus-salam = And peace be upon you too
Note: Used to reply to a salam. One can add “wa rahmatullahi wa barakathu” meaning “and the mercy and blessing of Allah (SWT)” after the basic salam. Your reply should be equal to or more than the salam you received.
A’udzubillahe minash shaitwaanir rajeem = I seek refuge in Allah (SWT) from the accursed Shaitwan
Bismillahir rahmanir raheem = In the name of Allah (SWT) the most gracious the most merciful
Tasbih = A form of dhikr
Note: It is done by repeating Subhanallah, Alhamdullilah, 33 times each and Allahu Akbar 34 times. It can be done anytime but is best to do after every fard prayer.
Da’wah = Invitation / Call or Summon someone
Note: Inviting people, both Muslims and non-Muslims to learn about Islam
Iman = Faith
Note: Muhammad (SAW) said Iman is “to believe in Allah, his angels, his books, to believe in meeting him, to believe in his messengers, the resurrection, and the predestination. This is the second level in the religion of Islam
Ihsan = Perfection / Excellence
Note: Muhammad (SAW) Ihsan is “to worship Allah as if you see him, and if you do not see him he sees you.” This is the highest status or third level in the religion of Islam
Following The Name of Allah (SWT)
Subhana wa Ta’ala (SWT) = The Glorified and The Almighty
Note: most commonly used after saying or hearing the name of Allah (SWT)
Azza wa Jall (AWJ) = The Mighty and The Majestic
Note: similar to SWT and can be used alternatively
Jalla Jalalahu (JJL) = May his glory be glorified
Note: similar to SWT and can be used alternatively
Following The Name of Prophets, Angels, or Sahabah
Sal-lallahu a’layhi wa sal-lam (SAW) = May the peace and blessing of Allah (SWT) be upon him
Note: must always be said after saying or hearing the mention of the prophet (SAW). In English, one can just say “peace be upon him” (PBUH)
Radwi-allahu a’nhu (RA) = May Allah (SWT) be pleased with him
Note: must be said after you say or hear the mention of any of the companions of the prophet (SAW). Instead of a’nhu, one can say a’nha to refer to her or a’nhum to refer to them.
A’layhis salam (AS) – Peace be upon him
Note: must be said after you say or hear the mention of an angel or previous prophets